File System Management
File System Management
File System Hierarchy Standard (FHS)
Root Directory Structure
- Root directory/home
- User home directories/etc
- System configuration files/var
- Variable data files/usr
- User programs and data/bin
- Essential command binaries/sbin
- System binaries/tmp
- Temporary files
Important Directories
- Optional software packages/proc
- Process information/dev
- Device files/boot
- Boot loader files/lib
- System libraries
File Permissions and Ownership
Understanding Permissions
drwxr-xr-x # Example permission string
# d: directory
# rwx: owner permissions (read, write, execute)
# r-x: group permissions
# r-x: others permissions
Permission Types
- Read (r): 4
- Write (w): 2
- Execute (x): 1
Changing Permissions
chmod 755 file.txt # Set permissions using octal
chmod u+x # Add execute permission for user
chmod g-w file.txt # Remove write permission for group
File Ownership
chown user:group file.txt # Change owner and group
chgrp newgroup file.txt # Change group only
File Manipulation Commands
Basic File Operations
touch file.txt # Create empty file
cp source dest # Copy files
mv source dest # Move/rename files
rm file.txt # Remove files
mkdir dir # Create directory
rmdir dir # Remove empty directory
Advanced File Operations
find . -name "*.txt" # Find files
grep "pattern" file # Search in files
tar -czf archive.tar.gz files/ # Create archive
ln -s target link # Create symbolic link
Hands-on Practice
Exercise 1: File Permissions
- Create a new file:
touch test.txt
- View permissions:
ls -l test.txt
- Change permissions:
chmod 644 test.txt
- Change owner:
sudo chown root test.txt
Exercise 2: File Operations
- Create directory structure:
mkdir -p project/{src,docs,tests} touch project/src/{,}
- Copy and move files
- Create symbolic links
File System Maintenance
Disk Usage
df -h # Show disk space usage
du -sh directory # Show directory size
ncdu # Interactive disk usage analyzer
File System Check
fsck # Check and repair file system
e2fsck # Check ext2/3/4 file systems
tune2fs # Adjust file system parameters
Additional Resources
Next Steps
- Practice file permission calculations
- Explore advanced file operations
- Learn about ACLs (Access Control Lists)
- Understand file system attributes