Advanced Pipeline Techniques

Advanced Pipeline Techniques

Dynamic Pipeline Generation

Pipeline as Code Generator

// Dynamic Pipeline Generator
class PipelineGenerator {
    static def generatePipeline(config) {
        def stages = []
        // Add build stages
        if ( {
            stages << generateBuildStage(
        // Add test stages
        if (config.tests) {
            stages << generateTestStages(config.tests)
        // Add deployment stages
        if (config.deployment) {
            stages << generateDeploymentStage(config.deployment)
        return "pipeline {
            agent any
            stages {
    static def generateBuildStage(buildConfig) {
        return """
            stage('Build') {
                steps {
                    script {

Dynamic Stage Generation

// Dynamic Stage Generator
class StageGenerator {
    static def generateParallelStages(Map config) {
        def stages = [:]
        config.each { name, stageConfig ->
            stages[name] = {
                stage(name) {
                    agent { label stageConfig.agent }
                    steps {
                        script {
        return stages
    static def executeStageSteps(steps) {
        steps.each { step ->
            if (step.type == 'shell') {
                sh step.command
            } else if (step.type == 'groovy') {

Advanced Scripting Techniques

DSL Extensions

// Custom DSL Implementation
class JenkinsDSL {
    static def extend(Script script) {
        script.metaClass.withConfig = { Map config, Closure body ->
            def configuration = new ConfigSlurper().parse(config)
            body.delegate = configuration
        script.metaClass.deployTo = { String environment ->
            return { Closure body ->
                stage("Deploy to ${environment}") {
                    withCredentials([]) {

Groovy Extensions

// Groovy Extension Module
class PipelineExtensions {
    static def withRetryAndTimeout(Script script, Map config, Closure body) {
        timeout(time: config.timeout ?: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') {
            retry(config.retries ?: 3) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    script.error "Failed with error: ${e.message}"
                    throw e

Advanced Testing Frameworks

Behavior-Driven Development

// BDD Test Framework Integration
class BDDTestFramework {
    def features = []
    def scenarios = [:]
    def feature(String name, Closure body) {
        features << name
        def currentFeature = name
        body.delegate = this
    def scenario(String description, Closure body) {
        scenarios[description] = body
    def given(String condition, Closure setup) {
        // Setup test environment
    def when(String action, Closure execution) {
        // Execute test action
    def then(String expectation, Closure verification) {
        // Verify test results
        assert verification()

Property-Based Testing

// Property-Based Test Implementation
class PropertyTesting {
    static def forAll(generators, Closure property) {
        def iterations = 100
        def failures = []
        iterations.times { iteration ->
            def inputs = generators.collect { it.generate() }
            try {
            } catch (AssertionError e) {
                failures << [inputs: inputs, error: e]
        if (failures) {
            throw new PropertyTestFailure(failures)
    static class Generator {
        def strategy
        Generator(strategy) {
            this.strategy = strategy
        def generate() {

Configuration Management

Dynamic Configuration

// Dynamic Configuration Management
class ConfigurationManager {
    def configStore
    def environment
    ConfigurationManager(environment) {
        this.environment = environment
    def loadConfiguration() {
        def configFile = "config/${environment}.yaml"
        configStore = readYaml(file: configFile)
        // Merge with defaults
        def defaults = readYaml(file: 'config/defaults.yaml')
        configStore = mergeConfig(defaults, configStore)
    def get(String key) {
        def parts = key.split('\\.')
        def current = configStore
        parts.each { part ->
            current = current[part]
        return current
    private def mergeConfig(source, target) {
        source.each { k, v ->
            if (v instanceof Map && target[k] instanceof Map) {
                target[k] = mergeConfig(v, target[k])
            } else if (!target.containsKey(k)) {
                target[k] = v
        return target

Environment Management

// Environment Configuration Handler
class EnvironmentManager {
    def environments = [:]
    def currentEnv
    def environment(String name, Map config) {
        environments[name] = config
    def use(String envName) {
        if (!environments.containsKey(envName)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Environment ${envName} not defined")
        currentEnv = environments[envName]
        return this
    def withCredentials(Closure body) {
        def credentials = currentEnv.credentials.collect { cred ->
                usernameVariable: cred.userVar,
                passwordVariable: cred.passVar
        withCredentials(credentials) {

Advanced Deployment Strategies

Feature Flags

// Feature Flag Implementation
class FeatureFlags {
    def flagStore
    FeatureFlags(configPath) {
        flagStore = readYaml(file: configPath)
    def isEnabled(String feature, Map context = [:]) {
        def flag = flagStore.features[feature]
        if (!flag) return false
        if (flag.type == 'simple') {
            return flag.enabled
        if (flag.type == 'percentage') {
            return evaluatePercentage(flag, context)
        if (flag.type == 'targeted') {
            return evaluateTargets(flag, context)
        return false
    private def evaluatePercentage(flag, context) {
        def hash = context.userId?.hashCode() ?: new Random().nextInt()
        def percentage = Math.abs(hash % 100)
        return percentage < flag.percentage

Progressive Delivery

// Progressive Delivery Implementation
class ProgressiveDelivery {
    def metrics
    def thresholds
    def canaryDeployment(config) {
        // Deploy to canary
        deploy(config.canaryTarget, config.version)
        // Monitor canary
        def success = monitorCanary(config.duration)
        if (success) {
            // Progressive rollout
        } else {
            // Rollback
            rollback(config.canaryTarget, config.previousVersion)
    private def monitorCanary(duration) {
        def start = System.currentTimeMillis()
        def success = true
        while (System.currentTimeMillis() - start < duration) {
            def currentMetrics = metrics.collect()
            if (!meetsThresholds(currentMetrics)) {
                success = false
            sleep(30000) // Check every 30 seconds
        return success

Hands-on Exercises

Exercise 1: Advanced Pipeline Implementation

  1. Create Dynamic Pipeline
  2. Implement Custom DSL
  3. Add Advanced Testing
  4. Configure Feature Flags
  5. Test Progressive Delivery

Exercise 2: Configuration Management

  1. Set up Environment Management
  2. Implement Feature Flags
  3. Create Deployment Strategies
  4. Test Configuration System
  5. Monitor Deployments


Knowledge Check

  1. How do you implement dynamic pipeline generation?
  2. What are the benefits of custom DSL extensions?
  3. How do you manage feature flags effectively?
  4. What are the key aspects of progressive delivery?

Practice Tasks

  1. Create dynamic pipeline
  2. Implement feature flags
  3. Set up progressive delivery
  4. Configure environments

Additional Resources


Best Practices

  • Use version control
  • Implement proper testing
  • Monitor deployments
  • Document configurations

Next Steps

  • Review advanced concepts
  • Practice implementations
  • Explore custom extensions
  • Study deployment patterns