Advanced Pipeline Techniques
Advanced Pipeline Techniques
Dynamic Pipeline Generation
Pipeline as Code Generator
// Dynamic Pipeline Generator
class PipelineGenerator {
static def generatePipeline(config) {
def stages = []
// Add build stages
if ( {
stages << generateBuildStage(
// Add test stages
if (config.tests) {
stages << generateTestStages(config.tests)
// Add deployment stages
if (config.deployment) {
stages << generateDeploymentStage(config.deployment)
return "pipeline {
agent any
stages {
static def generateBuildStage(buildConfig) {
return """
stage('Build') {
steps {
script {
Dynamic Stage Generation
// Dynamic Stage Generator
class StageGenerator {
static def generateParallelStages(Map config) {
def stages = [:]
config.each { name, stageConfig ->
stages[name] = {
stage(name) {
agent { label stageConfig.agent }
steps {
script {
return stages
static def executeStageSteps(steps) {
steps.each { step ->
if (step.type == 'shell') {
sh step.command
} else if (step.type == 'groovy') {
Advanced Scripting Techniques
DSL Extensions
// Custom DSL Implementation
class JenkinsDSL {
static def extend(Script script) {
script.metaClass.withConfig = { Map config, Closure body ->
def configuration = new ConfigSlurper().parse(config)
body.delegate = configuration
script.metaClass.deployTo = { String environment ->
return { Closure body ->
stage("Deploy to ${environment}") {
withCredentials([]) {
Groovy Extensions
// Groovy Extension Module
class PipelineExtensions {
static def withRetryAndTimeout(Script script, Map config, Closure body) {
timeout(time: config.timeout ?: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') {
retry(config.retries ?: 3) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
script.error "Failed with error: ${e.message}"
throw e
Advanced Testing Frameworks
Behavior-Driven Development
// BDD Test Framework Integration
class BDDTestFramework {
def features = []
def scenarios = [:]
def feature(String name, Closure body) {
features << name
def currentFeature = name
body.delegate = this
def scenario(String description, Closure body) {
scenarios[description] = body
def given(String condition, Closure setup) {
// Setup test environment
def when(String action, Closure execution) {
// Execute test action
def then(String expectation, Closure verification) {
// Verify test results
assert verification()
Property-Based Testing
// Property-Based Test Implementation
class PropertyTesting {
static def forAll(generators, Closure property) {
def iterations = 100
def failures = []
iterations.times { iteration ->
def inputs = generators.collect { it.generate() }
try {*inputs)
} catch (AssertionError e) {
failures << [inputs: inputs, error: e]
if (failures) {
throw new PropertyTestFailure(failures)
static class Generator {
def strategy
Generator(strategy) {
this.strategy = strategy
def generate() {
Configuration Management
Dynamic Configuration
// Dynamic Configuration Management
class ConfigurationManager {
def configStore
def environment
ConfigurationManager(environment) {
this.environment = environment
def loadConfiguration() {
def configFile = "config/${environment}.yaml"
configStore = readYaml(file: configFile)
// Merge with defaults
def defaults = readYaml(file: 'config/defaults.yaml')
configStore = mergeConfig(defaults, configStore)
def get(String key) {
def parts = key.split('\\.')
def current = configStore
parts.each { part ->
current = current[part]
return current
private def mergeConfig(source, target) {
source.each { k, v ->
if (v instanceof Map && target[k] instanceof Map) {
target[k] = mergeConfig(v, target[k])
} else if (!target.containsKey(k)) {
target[k] = v
return target
Environment Management
// Environment Configuration Handler
class EnvironmentManager {
def environments = [:]
def currentEnv
def environment(String name, Map config) {
environments[name] = config
def use(String envName) {
if (!environments.containsKey(envName)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Environment ${envName} not defined")
currentEnv = environments[envName]
return this
def withCredentials(Closure body) {
def credentials = currentEnv.credentials.collect { cred ->
usernameVariable: cred.userVar,
passwordVariable: cred.passVar
withCredentials(credentials) {
Advanced Deployment Strategies
Feature Flags
// Feature Flag Implementation
class FeatureFlags {
def flagStore
FeatureFlags(configPath) {
flagStore = readYaml(file: configPath)
def isEnabled(String feature, Map context = [:]) {
def flag = flagStore.features[feature]
if (!flag) return false
if (flag.type == 'simple') {
return flag.enabled
if (flag.type == 'percentage') {
return evaluatePercentage(flag, context)
if (flag.type == 'targeted') {
return evaluateTargets(flag, context)
return false
private def evaluatePercentage(flag, context) {
def hash = context.userId?.hashCode() ?: new Random().nextInt()
def percentage = Math.abs(hash % 100)
return percentage < flag.percentage
Progressive Delivery
// Progressive Delivery Implementation
class ProgressiveDelivery {
def metrics
def thresholds
def canaryDeployment(config) {
// Deploy to canary
deploy(config.canaryTarget, config.version)
// Monitor canary
def success = monitorCanary(config.duration)
if (success) {
// Progressive rollout
} else {
// Rollback
rollback(config.canaryTarget, config.previousVersion)
private def monitorCanary(duration) {
def start = System.currentTimeMillis()
def success = true
while (System.currentTimeMillis() - start < duration) {
def currentMetrics = metrics.collect()
if (!meetsThresholds(currentMetrics)) {
success = false
sleep(30000) // Check every 30 seconds
return success
Hands-on Exercises
Exercise 1: Advanced Pipeline Implementation
- Create Dynamic Pipeline
- Implement Custom DSL
- Add Advanced Testing
- Configure Feature Flags
- Test Progressive Delivery
Exercise 2: Configuration Management
- Set up Environment Management
- Implement Feature Flags
- Create Deployment Strategies
- Test Configuration System
- Monitor Deployments
Knowledge Check
- How do you implement dynamic pipeline generation?
- What are the benefits of custom DSL extensions?
- How do you manage feature flags effectively?
- What are the key aspects of progressive delivery?
Practice Tasks
- Create dynamic pipeline
- Implement feature flags
- Set up progressive delivery
- Configure environments
Additional Resources
Best Practices
- Use version control
- Implement proper testing
- Monitor deployments
- Document configurations
Next Steps
- Review advanced concepts
- Practice implementations
- Explore custom extensions
- Study deployment patterns