Enterprise Integration Patterns

Enterprise Integration Patterns

Introduction to Enterprise Patterns

Enterprise Integration Overview

Enterprise integration patterns in Jenkins enable:

  • Scalable architectures
  • Standardized workflows
  • Cross-system communication
  • Reliable message handling
  • Robust error management

Integration Architecture

Enterprise Jenkins Architecture
    +-- Master Node
    |     +-- Configuration Management
    |     +-- Security Controls
    |     +-- API Gateway
    +-- Integration Layer
    |     +-- Message Queues
    |     +-- Service Bus
    |     +-- Event Handlers
    +-- Service Layer
          +-- Microservices
          +-- Legacy Systems
          +-- External Services

Message-Based Integration

Message Queue Integration

// RabbitMQ Integration Example
pipeline {
    agent any
    environment {
        RABBITMQ_HOST = 'rabbitmq.example.com'
        QUEUE_NAME = 'build-events'
    stages {
        stage('Publish Build Event') {
            steps {
                script {
                    def message = [
                        buildId: env.BUILD_ID,
                        status: currentBuild.result,
                        timestamp: System.currentTimeMillis()
                        host: RABBITMQ_HOST,
                        queue: QUEUE_NAME,
                        message: groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(message)

Event-Driven Architecture

// Event Handler Implementation
class BuildEventHandler {
    static void handleBuildEvent(event) {
        switch(event.type) {
            case 'BUILD_STARTED':
            case 'BUILD_COMPLETED':
            case 'BUILD_FAILED':
    static void notifyBuildStart(event) {
        // Notification logic
    static void processBuildCompletion(event) {
        // Completion processing
    static void handleBuildFailure(event) {
        // Failure handling

Service Integration

REST API Integration

// RESTful Service Integration
class ServiceIntegration {
    def httpClient
    def baseUrl
    ServiceIntegration(baseUrl) {
        this.baseUrl = baseUrl
        this.httpClient = new RESTClient(baseUrl)
    def createDeployment(Map config) {
        def response = httpClient.post(
            path: '/api/deployments',
            body: [
                application: config.appName,
                version: config.version,
                environment: config.env
            headers: ['Content-Type': 'application/json']
        return response.data
    def getDeploymentStatus(String deploymentId) {
        def response = httpClient.get(
            path: "/api/deployments/${deploymentId}"
        return response.data.status

SOAP Service Integration

// SOAP Integration Example
class LegacySystemIntegration {
    def soapClient
    LegacySystemIntegration(wsdlUrl) {
        this.soapClient = new SOAPClient(wsdlUrl)
    def processOrder(order) {
        def response = soapClient.send(
            SOAPAction: 'processOrder',
            body: [
                'ord:OrderRequest': [
                    orderId: order.id,
                    customer: order.customer,
                    items: order.items.collect { item ->
                        ['ord:Item': [
                            id: item.id,
                            quantity: item.quantity
        return response.OrderResponse

Integration Patterns

Circuit Breaker Pattern

// Circuit Breaker Implementation
class CircuitBreaker {
    def failureThreshold
    def resetTimeout
    def failures
    def lastFailure
    def state
    CircuitBreaker(threshold, timeout) {
        this.failureThreshold = threshold
        this.resetTimeout = timeout
        this.failures = 0
        this.state = 'CLOSED'
    def execute(Closure operation) {
        if (state == 'OPEN') {
            if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastFailure > resetTimeout) {
                state = 'HALF_OPEN'
            } else {
                throw new CircuitBreakerOpenException()
        try {
            def result = operation()
            if (state == 'HALF_OPEN') {
                state = 'CLOSED'
                failures = 0
            return result
        } catch (Exception e) {
            lastFailure = System.currentTimeMillis()
            if (failures >= failureThreshold) {
                state = 'OPEN'
            throw e

Retry Pattern

// Retry Pattern Implementation
class RetryHandler {
    static def withRetry(int maxAttempts, int delay, Closure operation) {
        def attempts = 0
        def lastException
        while (attempts < maxAttempts) {
            try {
                return operation()
            } catch (Exception e) {
                lastException = e
                if (attempts < maxAttempts) {
        throw new RetryExhaustedException("Failed after ${attempts} attempts", lastException)

Data Integration

ETL Pipeline

// ETL Pipeline Implementation
pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Extract') {
            steps {
                script {
                    // Extract data from source
                    sh '''
                        sqoop import \
                            --connect jdbc:mysql://source-db/database \
                            --username $DB_USER \
                            --password $DB_PASS \
                            --table source_table \
                            --target-dir /data/raw
        stage('Transform') {
            steps {
                script {
                    // Transform data
                    sh '''
                        spark-submit \
                            --class DataTransformer \
                            transform-job.jar \
                            --input /data/raw \
                            --output /data/transformed
        stage('Load') {
            steps {
                script {
                    // Load transformed data
                    sh '''
                        sqoop export \
                            --connect jdbc:postgresql://target-db/database \
                            --username $DB_USER \
                            --password $DB_PASS \
                            --table target_table \
                            --export-dir /data/transformed

Data Synchronization

// Data Sync Implementation
class DataSynchronizer {
    def sourceDb
    def targetDb
    def synchronize(table, batchSize = 1000) {
        def offset = 0
        def hasMore = true
        while (hasMore) {
            def records = sourceDb.query("""
                SELECT * FROM ${table}
                ORDER BY id
                LIMIT ${batchSize}
                OFFSET ${offset}
            if (records.size() < batchSize) {
                hasMore = false
            records.each { record ->
                targetDb.merge(table, record)
            offset += batchSize

Monitoring and Logging

Centralized Logging

// ELK Stack Integration
pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Process Logs') {
            steps {
                script {
                    def logstashConfig = '''
                        input {
                            file {
                                path => "/var/log/jenkins/*.log"
                                type => "jenkins"
                        filter {
                            grok {
                                match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} %{LOGLEVEL:level} %{GREEDYDATA:msg}" }
                        output {
                            elasticsearch {
                                hosts => ["elasticsearch:9200"]
                                index => "jenkins-logs-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
                    writeFile file: 'logstash.conf', text: logstashConfig
                    sh 'logstash -f logstash.conf'

Metrics Collection

// Prometheus Integration
class MetricsCollector {
    def registry
    MetricsCollector() {
        this.registry = new PrometheusRegistry()
    def recordBuildMetrics(build) {
        def buildDuration = registry.createGauge('jenkins_build_duration',
            'Build duration in milliseconds')
        def buildStatus = registry.createCounter('jenkins_build_status',
            'Build status counter')
    def exportMetrics() {
        return registry.scrape()

Hands-on Exercises

Exercise 1: Integration Implementation

  1. Set up Message Queue
  2. Implement Event Handlers
  3. Create REST API Integration
  4. Configure Circuit Breaker
  5. Test Integration Flow

Exercise 2: Data Integration

  1. Create ETL Pipeline
  2. Implement Data Sync
  3. Set up Monitoring
  4. Configure Logging
  5. Test Data Flow


Knowledge Check

  1. What are the key enterprise integration patterns?
  2. How do you implement message-based integration?
  3. What are the best practices for data integration?
  4. How do you monitor integration points?

Practice Tasks

  1. Implement message queue
  2. Create service integration
  3. Set up data pipeline
  4. Configure monitoring

Additional Resources


Best Practices

  • Use standard patterns
  • Implement proper error handling
  • Monitor integration points
  • Maintain documentation

Next Steps

  • Review integration patterns
  • Practice implementations
  • Study monitoring strategies
  • Explore advanced patterns