Enterprise Integration Patterns
Enterprise Integration Patterns
Introduction to Enterprise Patterns
Enterprise Integration Overview
Enterprise integration patterns in Jenkins enable:
- Scalable architectures
- Standardized workflows
- Cross-system communication
- Reliable message handling
- Robust error management
Integration Architecture
Enterprise Jenkins Architecture
+-- Master Node
| +-- Configuration Management
| +-- Security Controls
| +-- API Gateway
+-- Integration Layer
| +-- Message Queues
| +-- Service Bus
| +-- Event Handlers
+-- Service Layer
+-- Microservices
+-- Legacy Systems
+-- External Services
Message-Based Integration
Message Queue Integration
// RabbitMQ Integration Example
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
RABBITMQ_HOST = 'rabbitmq.example.com'
QUEUE_NAME = 'build-events'
stages {
stage('Publish Build Event') {
steps {
script {
def message = [
buildId: env.BUILD_ID,
status: currentBuild.result,
timestamp: System.currentTimeMillis()
queue: QUEUE_NAME,
message: groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(message)
Event-Driven Architecture
// Event Handler Implementation
class BuildEventHandler {
static void handleBuildEvent(event) {
switch(event.type) {
static void notifyBuildStart(event) {
// Notification logic
static void processBuildCompletion(event) {
// Completion processing
static void handleBuildFailure(event) {
// Failure handling
Service Integration
REST API Integration
// RESTful Service Integration
class ServiceIntegration {
def httpClient
def baseUrl
ServiceIntegration(baseUrl) {
this.baseUrl = baseUrl
this.httpClient = new RESTClient(baseUrl)
def createDeployment(Map config) {
def response = httpClient.post(
path: '/api/deployments',
body: [
application: config.appName,
version: config.version,
environment: config.env
headers: ['Content-Type': 'application/json']
return response.data
def getDeploymentStatus(String deploymentId) {
def response = httpClient.get(
path: "/api/deployments/${deploymentId}"
return response.data.status
SOAP Service Integration
// SOAP Integration Example
class LegacySystemIntegration {
def soapClient
LegacySystemIntegration(wsdlUrl) {
this.soapClient = new SOAPClient(wsdlUrl)
def processOrder(order) {
def response = soapClient.send(
SOAPAction: 'processOrder',
body: [
'ord:OrderRequest': [
orderId: order.id,
customer: order.customer,
items: order.items.collect { item ->
['ord:Item': [
id: item.id,
quantity: item.quantity
return response.OrderResponse
Integration Patterns
Circuit Breaker Pattern
// Circuit Breaker Implementation
class CircuitBreaker {
def failureThreshold
def resetTimeout
def failures
def lastFailure
def state
CircuitBreaker(threshold, timeout) {
this.failureThreshold = threshold
this.resetTimeout = timeout
this.failures = 0
this.state = 'CLOSED'
def execute(Closure operation) {
if (state == 'OPEN') {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastFailure > resetTimeout) {
state = 'HALF_OPEN'
} else {
throw new CircuitBreakerOpenException()
try {
def result = operation()
if (state == 'HALF_OPEN') {
state = 'CLOSED'
failures = 0
return result
} catch (Exception e) {
lastFailure = System.currentTimeMillis()
if (failures >= failureThreshold) {
state = 'OPEN'
throw e
Retry Pattern
// Retry Pattern Implementation
class RetryHandler {
static def withRetry(int maxAttempts, int delay, Closure operation) {
def attempts = 0
def lastException
while (attempts < maxAttempts) {
try {
return operation()
} catch (Exception e) {
lastException = e
if (attempts < maxAttempts) {
throw new RetryExhaustedException("Failed after ${attempts} attempts", lastException)
Data Integration
ETL Pipeline
// ETL Pipeline Implementation
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Extract') {
steps {
script {
// Extract data from source
sh '''
sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:mysql://source-db/database \
--username $DB_USER \
--password $DB_PASS \
--table source_table \
--target-dir /data/raw
stage('Transform') {
steps {
script {
// Transform data
sh '''
spark-submit \
--class DataTransformer \
transform-job.jar \
--input /data/raw \
--output /data/transformed
stage('Load') {
steps {
script {
// Load transformed data
sh '''
sqoop export \
--connect jdbc:postgresql://target-db/database \
--username $DB_USER \
--password $DB_PASS \
--table target_table \
--export-dir /data/transformed
Data Synchronization
// Data Sync Implementation
class DataSynchronizer {
def sourceDb
def targetDb
def synchronize(table, batchSize = 1000) {
def offset = 0
def hasMore = true
while (hasMore) {
def records = sourceDb.query("""
SELECT * FROM ${table}
LIMIT ${batchSize}
OFFSET ${offset}
if (records.size() < batchSize) {
hasMore = false
records.each { record ->
targetDb.merge(table, record)
offset += batchSize
Monitoring and Logging
Centralized Logging
// ELK Stack Integration
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Process Logs') {
steps {
script {
def logstashConfig = '''
input {
file {
path => "/var/log/jenkins/*.log"
type => "jenkins"
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} %{LOGLEVEL:level} %{GREEDYDATA:msg}" }
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["elasticsearch:9200"]
index => "jenkins-logs-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
writeFile file: 'logstash.conf', text: logstashConfig
sh 'logstash -f logstash.conf'
Metrics Collection
// Prometheus Integration
class MetricsCollector {
def registry
MetricsCollector() {
this.registry = new PrometheusRegistry()
def recordBuildMetrics(build) {
def buildDuration = registry.createGauge('jenkins_build_duration',
'Build duration in milliseconds')
def buildStatus = registry.createCounter('jenkins_build_status',
'Build status counter')
def exportMetrics() {
return registry.scrape()
Hands-on Exercises
Exercise 1: Integration Implementation
- Set up Message Queue
- Implement Event Handlers
- Create REST API Integration
- Configure Circuit Breaker
- Test Integration Flow
Exercise 2: Data Integration
- Create ETL Pipeline
- Implement Data Sync
- Set up Monitoring
- Configure Logging
- Test Data Flow
Knowledge Check
- What are the key enterprise integration patterns?
- How do you implement message-based integration?
- What are the best practices for data integration?
- How do you monitor integration points?
Practice Tasks
- Implement message queue
- Create service integration
- Set up data pipeline
- Configure monitoring
Additional Resources
Best Practices
- Use standard patterns
- Implement proper error handling
- Monitor integration points
- Maintain documentation
Next Steps
- Review integration patterns
- Practice implementations
- Study monitoring strategies
- Explore advanced patterns