Introduction to Shared Libraries

Introduction to Shared Libraries


Jenkins shared libraries provide a powerful way to encapsulate reusable pipeline code and share it across multiple projects. This lesson covers the fundamentals of shared libraries, their architecture, and implementation patterns.

Library Architecture

Directory Structure

+- src/                     # Groovy source files
|   +- org/example/
|       +- Utils.groovy     # Utility classes
+- vars/                    # Global variables/functions
|   +- buildJava.groovy
|   +- deployToKubernetes.groovy
+- resources/               # Non-Groovy files
|   +- scripts/
|       +-
+- tests/                   # Test cases
    +- org/example/
        +- UtilsTest.groovy

Key Components

  1. src Directory
    • Contains structured Groovy source files
    • Follows standard Java package structure
    • Houses reusable classes and utilities
  2. vars Directory
    • Global variables and functions
    • Each file creates a globally accessible object
    • Provides pipeline step implementations
  3. resources Directory
    • Static resources and helper scripts
    • Configuration files and templates
    • Shell scripts and other non-Groovy files

Implementation Guide

1. Basic Library Setup

// In Jenkins Configuration:
// Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Global Pipeline Libraries

// Library Configuration:
name: 'my-shared-library'
default version: 'main'
retrieval method: 'Modern SCM'
Git URL: ''

2. Creating Utility Classes

// src/org/example/Utils.groovy
package org.example

class Utils implements Serializable {
    def script
    Utils(script) {
        this.script = script
    def mvnBuild(String goals) { "mvn -B ${goals}"
    def notifySlack(String message) {
        script.slackSend channel: '#builds',
                         color: 'good',
                         message: message

3. Implementing Global Variables

// vars/buildJava.groovy
def call(Map config) {
    def utils = new org.example.Utils(this)
    pipeline {
        agent any
        stages {
            stage('Compile') {
                steps {
            stage('Test') {
                steps {
            stage('Package') {
                steps {
        post {
            success {
                utils.notifySlack("Build Successful: ${env.JOB_NAME} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}")

Usage Examples

Basic Pipeline Usage

// Jenkinsfile
@Library('my-shared-library') _


Advanced Configuration

// Jenkinsfile with custom configuration
@Library('my-shared-library') _

    mvnGoals: 'clean install',
    jdkVersion: '11',
    notifyChannel: '#team-builds'

Best Practices

  1. Code Organization
    • Keep related functionality together
    • Use meaningful package names
    • Follow Groovy coding conventions
  2. Error Handling
    // Example of robust error handling
    def call(Map config) {
        try {
            // Pipeline steps
        } catch (Exception e) {
            currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
            throw e
        } finally {
            // Cleanup steps
  3. Documentation
    • Document all public methods
    • Include usage examples
    • Maintain changelog
  4. Testing
    // tests/org/example/UtilsTest.groovy
    import org.example.Utils
    import org.junit.Test
    class UtilsTest {
        void testMvnBuild() {
            def script = [sh: { cmd -> assert cmd == 'mvn -B compile' }]
            def utils = new Utils(script)

Hands-on Exercise

Exercise 1: Create a Basic Shared Library

  1. Set up a Git repository for your shared library
  2. Create the basic directory structure
  3. Implement a simple utility class
  4. Create a global variable
  5. Test the library in a Jenkins pipeline

Exercise 2: Advanced Library Features

  1. Implement parameter validation
  2. Add error handling
  3. Create unit tests
  4. Document your code
  5. Set up version control

Additional Resources

  1. Jenkins Shared Libraries Official Documentation
  2. Pipeline Steps Reference
  3. Groovy Language Documentation
  4. Git Version Control Best Practices

Next Steps

  • Explore custom step development
  • Learn about global variables
  • Master library versioning strategies